There is superior and inferior. Superior is the upper part of the structure and inferior, as the name suggests, is below the superior section of the structure.
Anterior and Posterior are the back and front of the body as if it were cut down the middle so that your chest was anterior and your back was posterior. However, it can also be said that there are smaller parts to this like, your nose is anterior to your eyes-your nose is infront of your eyes.
Medial is the line running through the middle of the body that pertains to the inner part of the body. Lateral is opposite of medial, it's the outer parts of the body. Intermediate is between the medial and lateral sections.
Proximal is everything running from the bottom of a structure up. And distal is of course the opposite, top to bottom.
Superficial is the skin or outer layer of the body. Deep covers all of the internal parts of the body, organs and such.
These terms can be remembered simply by braking down the name into basic parts. This naming system is similar to most any part of the body.
-Frontal divides the body into anterior and superior (front and back.)
-Sagital into left and right.
-Medial lies on the midline.-Transverse runs horizontally and divides the body into superior and inferior (Upper and lower)
-Oblique is sectioned off diagnally.
Within the body we have cavaties. Cavities are sectioned off spaces of the body. These cavities include the dorsal cavity, the long section running from the back of head down the spine/back. Since it covers the back it thus lies in the posterior plane. This can be remembered by thinking of fish or sharks, the dorsal fin is always on their back. The spinal cavity is of course right below this where the spine lies. The cranial cavity is at the top of the dorsal cavity, and like the name implies is of course the skull.
The ventral cavity is from the top of the chest, just below the neck, down to the pelvis. This cavity lies within the anterior plane. The ventral cavity is made up of the thoracic cavity which covers everything inside the ribcage such as the lungs and heart. Below this (inferior) is broken down once more within the ventral cavity into the abdominopelvic. Within this is the abdominal cavity which contains organs like the kidneys and spleen. And below this is the pelvic cavity which includes the reproductive organs and bladder.